
Friday 16 July 2010

The Use of the Word Literally as an Indication of Deception

My friends and I get a kick out of language quirks and fun ways makerters and advertisers describe their products,incrediants and benefits. In addition, we have been talking about the overuse of the word Literally. This made for a very fun time Wednesday when a friend and I went to a makeup class. My friend was a senior editor at NASA and a Senior Partner at Towers Perin in charge of Communication.
I was holding in my laughter wishing I could see her face every time the makeup artist told us that another product could "literally" make us more gorgeous. And it was," litterally" going deep into our pores. I especially got a hoot from his long description of the minerals in the deep sea water. "This makeup contains the deep sea water taken from water over a mile down in the oceans of Japan." "It takes "literally" thousands of years for the sea water to collect the minerals." And those deep sea minerals "literally" bond naturally to your skin and make it beautiful." (Smile) It was a wonderful example of how some people use the word "literally" to describe things they don't truly understand but want to appear confident discussing. It is not an indication of an overt deception. That is, they are not thinking, "I am going to lie", but more a subconscious desire to look knowledgeable.

I think BP oil is accelerating the mineral buildup in deep sea water. I mean that "Literally."
Who knew that BP Oil was just helping us become more beautiful?

Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional - The Body Language Expert Website I have a new quiz on my YouTube Channel at Check it out!


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