Someone emailed me today asking about someone playing with his wedding ring. I have blogged about that previously. Here is the emailer's question and the questions I sent in response.
Q: "Patti I read about you on the Internet and I am wondering if you could tell me what it means when you are having a business meeting with a male and the entire time he keeps fidgeting with his wedding ring pulling/pushing it off and putting it back on and secondly, during a business meeting specifically asks someone to change seats so that he could sit next to the person who just entered the room." I was wondering Patti what you thought of these 2 scenarios?
A: Though I don’t have access to all the gentleman’s body language, it seems you read that he might be attracted to the person who he made an extra effort to sit near. Before the meeting as he played with his ring he seemed to be making a decision to act out on his desire to sit near this person and it was conflicting with his wedding vows. I am curious, was he happy when he sat down? Did his body move upward or perhaps move towards this person? Did he continue to play with his wedding ring once he sat down or did he calm down once he'd made his decision?
Patti Wood, MA, Certified Speaking Professional
The Body Language Expert
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