Happy One-Year Anniversary, TomKat!
To celebrate their November 18, 2006 nuptials, Us consulted a body language expert to analyze the evolution of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' relationship:
June 23, 2005: War of the Worlds premiere, New York - Just six days after their engagement (and two months of dating!), body language expert Patti Wood tells Us: "She's tightly holding him, rather than being relaxed, which indicates that she would prefer more space." Still, Wood says, "she does have serenity on her face."
June 27, 2005: War of the World premiere, Los Angeles - "The hand clasp on her leg shows intimacy and comfort," Wood says. "She's leaning in and she has her hand relaxed and wrapped around him."
May 4, 2006: Mission Impossible III Screening, Los Angeles - Just two weeks after Suri's April 18 birth, Wood says new dad Cruise is, "holding on a little bit tighter and his shoulder is really pressing more into her. The fatigue in their faces shows that they're exhausted."
November 18, 2006: Their wedding, Lake Bracciano, Italy - "They're both holding on equally to each other," Wood says. "She is fully pressed in to him, which shows that she can lean and depend on him." By wrapping his hand around hers, Cruise says he will "take care of her."
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